We are delighted to confirm that following the success of last years event we will be holding our second poultry auction @ Beattie’s Pedigree Centre, 109 Glenpark Road, OMAGH, BT79 7ST on Saturday 22 February @ 11am.
Following confirmation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in a commercial flock outside Cookstown we have taken the decision to postpone our planned poultry sale scheduled for this Saturday 22 February.
We will be announcing a new date in due course. It would be helpful if this post could be shared as we want to avoid anyone turning up to Beattie’s this weekend and being disappointed the auction is not taking place.
Hopefully brighter times ahead for the poultry sector!
What will be on offer?
There will be over 250 lots of pure breed and hybrid poultry, as well as waterfowl, poultry incubators, hatching eggs and poultry coops up for auction.
Whether you are an experienced poultry keeper looking to top up breeding pens with new stock, a hobby enthusiast looking to add some new birds to a backyard flock or maybe your just starting out on your poultry journey, this event is not to be missed.
Just like last year a catalogue detailing the various lots which will be auctioned, will made available in advance of the sale, with photos / videos posted on our Facebook page the week before the sale.
Breeds available include:
Large Fowl
- Black, Buff, Blue & Blue Splash Orpingtons (Exhibition Standard)
- Buff & Black Cochins (Exhibition Standard)
- Gold Brahmas (Exhibition Standard)
- Wheaten, Copper Black, Copper Blue & Cuckoo Marans
- Blue Laced & Gold Laced Barnvevelders
- Wellsummers
- Light Sussex
- Vorwerk
- White & Gold Laced Wyandottes
- White, Black & Brown Leghorn
- Lavender & Black Araucanas
- Black Minorcas
- White, Gold, Black & Blue Silkies
- ISA Brown Hybrids
- Coloured Hybrids including Black Rocks, Bluebells, Light Sussex, Barred Marans, Amber Stars, White Leghorn, Buff Barred.
- Buff, White, Black, Milifleur, Mottled, Lavender & Lavender Mottled Pekins
- Light & Buff Sussex
- Silver Laced & Buff Laced Wyandottes
- Rhode Island Reds
- Japanese
- Lakenvelders
- White Polish
- White, Mallard and Bibbed Call Ducks
- White Indian Runners
- Khaki Campbell’s
- Large White Crested Ducks
Bidding will be in person on the day as well as online via MartEye. To bid online you must register on MartEye or with Beattie’s the day before the sale by calling Laura on 07395327763.
Delivery across Ireland at the buyers expense via Jer O Callaghan 00353 87 990 1434
Attached are some photographs of last years event and a video of the top selling lot on the day a pair of stunning Blue Orpington’s which sold for 500 guineas.
We look forward to seeing you on the day and please keep an eye on our Facebook page for photos of the birds and auction updates.
Andrew, Sandra and family